EFS Class

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Nelson Mandela 

Achievements :

- Mandela became involved in politics.
Mandela was able to finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer.
- Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.

Turning Points :

- Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.
Mum Shirley

The timeline:

  • 1925 shirley was born ( the date of birth)
  • 1930s: she moved with her family to sydney in the med of 1930s 
  • 1970: Shirley, involved in the Gurindji campaign for land right.
  • 1990: she had reared over 60 children.
  • On 28 April 1998: Shirley dead on age of 73.

Fred Hollow

The timeline:

  • 1929: Fred hollow was born.
  • By the 1980s: Fred had extended his campaign for treating avoidable eye disease.
  • 1989: when he diagnosed with cancer.
  • 1990: He awarded a title of the Australian year
  • 1992: His work established.
  • 1993: Fred Hollow dead( the death date).  
                       macfarlane burnet                                         NAMe
Macfarlane Burnet

Born on September 3, 1899, Australian physician/medical researcher Macfarlane Burnet earned his doctorate at the University of London. He made inroads in understanding viral infections and led groundbreaking work in understanding human immunology, delineating the relationship between antibodies and antigens. Burnet won the Nobel Prize in 1960. He died on August 31, 1985, in Melbourne, Australia.
Early Life and Education
Born in the small town of Traralgon, Australia, on September 3, 1899, famed physician and biologist Frank Macfarlane Burnet made great advances in the fields of immunology and virology. The son of a bank manager, Burnet grew up in Traralgon and attended state schools before enrolling at Geelong College. He later attended the University of Melbourne, where he earned bachelor and master degrees in science in 1922. The following year, Burnet received his doctorate in medicine from the University of London.
Also in 1923, Burnet began working at the University of Melbourne's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Around the same time, he served as a resident pathologist at Melbourne Hospital. In the 1920s and early '30s, Burnet spent time studying and conducting research in England at various organizations, including the Lister Institute and the National Institute for Medical Research.
Nobel Prize Win
During his career, Macfarlane Burnet studied the viruses that cause polio and influenza, among others, and helped develop a flu vaccine in Australia using a technique that employed fertilized chicken eggs. Burnet was one of the scientists to identify the organism responsible for Q fever, a disease that struck slaughterhouse workers, and was among those to discover the virus that causes Murray Valley encephalitis. He also wrote numerous works on virology and immunology, including Virus as Organism: Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects of Some Human Virus Diseases (1940).
In 1960, Burnet won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. He received this prestigious honor "for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance," according to the Nobel Prize website. Burnet had developed his own ideas regarding human immune responses and the production of antibodies, theorizing that a vertebrate organism can usually tell "self"—its own tissue—from "not self," but that there are also times when it misidentifies its own material and its immune system subsequently launches an attack. Burnet explored how this identification process evolved and how the process worked in situations of graft versus host with an experiment on chicken embryos. He shared his Nobel Prize with Sir Peter Brian Medawar, who conducted further experimental research on acquired immune tolerance in organ transplants and grafts.
Later Career
In the early 1960s, Burnet retired from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, where he'd served as director since the early '40s. From 1965 to 1969, Burnet was president of the Australian Academy of Science. He continued to write extensively on a range of science topics throughout the rest of his life, with his later works including Immunology, Aging and Cancer (1978).
Burnet received many accolades besides the Nobel Prize over his long career; he was made a knight of the British Empire and was selected as an honorary fellow at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1969, among various other honors. 

Burnet died on August 31, 1985, at the age of 85, in Melbourne, Australia. He was survived by his second wife, Hazel Jenkin (m. 1976); three children from his first marriage, Ian, Elizabeth and Deborah; and eight grandchildren. The author of more than 16 books, Burnet helped generate interest in the study of autoimmune diseases for decades to come.

The time line dates:
  • September 3,1899: the date of birth.
  • In 1922, he earned bachelor and master degrees in science.
  • In 1923, he began working at the University of Malbroune. 
  • In the 1920 and early 30s, burnet was studying in England.
  • In 19940, he wrote an numerous book about virus diseas. 
  • In 1960, he won a Nobal prize.
  • In the early 1960s, Burnet retired.
  • From 1965 to 1969, Burnet was president of the Australian Academy of Science.
  • In 1978 he craeted onther work about the age and cancer.
  • August 31, 1985: the date of death.

Burnet achievement:

  • In 1960, Macfarlane Burnet won a Nobal prize.
  • In 1922 Burnet earned a bachelor and master gedrees in science.
  • In 1923, he began working at the University of Melbroune.
  • 1940, he created a work about virus disease.
  • From 1965 to 1969, Burnet was president of the Australian Academy of Science.
  • In 1978 he craeted onther work about the age and cancer.

Tuesday 7 March 2017


A solar car is a type of solar vehicle. Solar cars are not average cars because they are making their necessary energy with the sun.
The importance of a solar car is in  economic and environmental issues.
 It became necessary to use this type of car in order to save the planet Earth. It’s important to cut down our usage of fossil fuels and turn to renewable sources of energy.

Kyoto protocol

Kyoto protocol.

the Kyoto protocol is a good treaty in that it does combat global warming because it realistically looks at ways to lower greenhouse gases in the major industrial powers,  also it is important and necessary, because it recognise that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of the greenhouse gas emissions.

Tuesday 28 February 2017



I am going to give you my opinion about recycling.
I think recycling is most important thing to do because when we recycle our daily product.
I feel that a person should do their part to help the environment and keep it clean and less pollution.